Unfortunately, due to how fattening pasta is for me, I could eat fettuccine for breakfast, lunch and dinner yet never get tired of it. There are a million swanky fettuccine recipes, we even had one in Washington D.C. at a restaurant called “Cantina di Italia”, that had caviar in it which was out of this world! However, if you’d like to have a pure, unadulterated form, this is fantastic.

Be careful of the amount of nutmeg and adjust the amount of freshly grated parm cheese for garnishing to your liking.

  • 6 TBS. butter
  • 1 1/2 cups whipping cream
  • 1 cup freshly grated parm cheese
  • salt & pepper (preferable white pepper)
  • freshly grated or ground nutmeg
  • extra, freshly grated parm cheese for passing as garnish hot, cooked fettuccine noodles

In a wide large frying pan or chafing dish over high heat on a range, melt butter until it is lightly browned. Add 1/2 cup of the cream and boil rapidly until large shiny bubbles form; stir occasionally. (You can make this part of the sauce earlier in the day, then reheat.)

Reduce heat to medium or place chafing dish over direct flame. Add noodles to the sauce. Toss vigorously with 2 forks and pour in the cheese and the remaining cream, a little at a time – about three additions.  The noodles should be kept moist but not too liquidy. Season with salt and pepper and grate nutmeg generously over the noodles  (or use about 1/8 tsp. of the ground spice). Serve immediately. (Doug gets furious if it is not eaten piping hot)

Makes 4 generous entrees or 6 ample first course servings.

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